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Example usage:

import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';
import { InnerBlocks } from '@wordpress/block-editor';

registerBlockType( 'gutenberg-examples/example-06-esnext', {
	title: 'Example: Inner Blocks (ESNext)',
	category: 'layout',
	edit: ( { className } ) => {
		return (
			<div className={ className }>
				<InnerBlocks />
	save: ( { className } ) => {
		return (
			<div className={ className }>
				<InnerBlocks.Content />
} );

Using the ALLOWED_BLOCKS property, you can define the set of blocks allowed in your InnerBlock. This restricts the blocks that can be included only to those listed, all other blocks will not show in the inserter.

const ALLOWED_BLOCKS = [ 'core/image', 'core/paragraph' ];
    allowedBlocks={ ALLOWED_BLOCKS }


Use the template property to define a set of blocks that prefill the InnerBlocks component when inserted. You can set attributes on the blocks to define their use. The example below shows a book review template using InnerBlocks component and setting placeholders values to show the block usage.

const MY_TEMPLATE = [
    [ 'core/image', {} ],
    [ 'core/heading', { placeholder: 'Book Title' } ],
    [ 'core/paragraph', { placeholder: 'Summary' } ],
    edit: () => {
        return (
                template={ MY_TEMPLATE }

Post Template

Unrelated to InnerBlocks but worth mentioning here, you can create a post template by post type, that preloads the block editor with a set of blocks.

The InnerBlocks template is for the component in the single block that you created, the rest of the post can include any blocks the user likes. Using a post template, can lock the entire post to just the template you define.

add_action( 'init', function() {
    $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( 'post' );
    $post_type_object->template = array(
        array( 'core/image' ),
        array( 'core/heading' )
} );

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