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TroubleShooting-GoDaddy cPanel File Manager gets error of permission denied

When attempting to upload files to the File Manager in cPanel, I encountered a “Permission denied” error. Despite my efforts to modify folder permissions through the “Permission” menu, I received a message indicating that the operation was forbidden.

Upon seeking assistance from the GoDaddy support line (02) 8042 8920, I was directed to the Full Service Management Team (FSM), where I was informed that they couldn’t resolve the issue.

To investigate further, I used the command ls -l to identify the owner and group of the target folder. The output revealed that both the user and group were set to root. Alternatively, using ls -n provided owner and group IDs, and I used id 0 to inspect details about this user or group.

To determine the current user, I utilized either the whoami or echo $USER commands. In cPanel, the user information is displayed on the right side, which indicates current user is “cowpte”.

Despite attempting to add the user ‘cowpte’ to the ‘root’ group and adjusting folder permissions to 775 using the command chmod -R 775 {target_folder}, the issue persisted.

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