Privacy Policy (jobyme88)

What kinds of information do we collect?

To provide the Product, we must process information about you. The types of information we collect depend on how you use our Products. You can learn how to access and delete information we collect by visiting the user profile setting.

Device Information

As described below, we collect information from and about the computers, phones, connected TVs and other web-connected devices you use that integrate with our Products, and we combine this information across different devices you use. 

To provide better user interaction experience, we need to collect this information to adjust our developments.

Information we obtain from these devices includes:

  • Device signals: Bluetooth signals, and information about nearby Wi-Fi access points, beacons, and cell towers.
  • Data from device settings: information you allow us to receive through device settings you turn on, such as access to your GPS location, camera or photos.
  • Network and connections: information such as the name of your mobile operator or ISP, language, time zone, mobile phone number, IP address, connection speed and, in some cases, information about other devices that are nearby or on your network, so we can do things like help you stream a video from your phone to your TV.
  • Cookie data: data from cookies stored on your device, including cookie IDs and settings. Learn more about how we use cookies in the Cookies Policy(

User Contact Information

Information we obtain includes:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Resume

How do we use this information?

  • Communicate with you.We use the information we have to send you marketing communications, communicate with you about our Products, and let you know about our policies and terms. We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us.
  • Review your job eligibilty. If you provide us above information due to job application. We are using these information to review your eligibility for the particular job.
  • Research and innovate for social good.We use the information we have (including from research partners we collaborate with) to conduct and support research and innovation on topics of general social welfare, technological advancement, public interest, health and well-being. For example, we analyze information we have about migration patterns during crises to aid relief efforts. Learn more about our research programs.